Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition gave me new respect for gaming speedrunners

Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition gave me new respect for gaming speedrunners

Enlarge / Get ready to repeat this ~25-second slice of Mario over and over… and over… and over. If you’ve ever seen a record-breaking video game speedrun or watched a Games Done Quick marathon, you may have entertained fantasies that you, too, could put up some decent times on your favorite old games. Sure, it…

Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees

Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees

Enlarge / Artist’s conception of Valve’s micro-employees hard at work inside your Steam installation. Getty Images As a private and generally secretive company, Valve doesn’t offer much outside visibility into its inner workings. So when years’ worth of data on the company’s employee and aggregate payroll numbers leaked recently, we were eager to take a…